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  • Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브 이미지 확대 보기
    • Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

    Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

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    방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 광진구 천호대로 590 (동성빌딩) 303호 사운드기어
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    Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
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    Intellijel Rubicon

    The thru-zero frequency modulation of Rubicon is ideal for experimenting with FM synthesis. Rubicon is an analog VCO design masterpiece, originially created by Dave Dixon with Intellijel. It is a unique Eurorack module, now offered as an add-on module for Modular.


    The Rubicon is an analog triangle core VCO that is capable of thru-zero frequency modulation. It is a feature packed VCO with multiple simultaneous waveform outputs, including waves that are multiples or divisions of the base frequency.


    Very impressive! I was making quite complex patches with modules cross modulating each other and the results were very close to what I get on my real hardware.

    Danjel van Tijn, founder of Eurorack manufacturer Intellijel


    In Short

    • High precision emulated Triangle core
    • Switchable linear and (for the first time in any module) exponential TZFM (through-zero FM)
    • Linear index VCA for dynamic control of TZFM depth
    • Symmetry control (full clockwise is normal, full counter-clockwise gives reversed waveforms, centered the VCO is at 0 Hz) with CV
    • 12 primary waveform types: sine, sigmoid, double sigmoid, triangle, saw, double saw, zigzag, square, pulse (center modulated), pulse (edge modulated), double pulse
    • Suboctave circuit with -1 and -2 octaves. The suboctave output is affected by fm just like the main signals
    • Soft sync (also known as reversing sync) with attenuator
    • Hard sync with selectable reset direction (determines if the triangle starts moving up or down after a reset, very useful in LFO mode)
    • Pulse-width modulation and exponential FM with dedicated attenuators
    • Requires Modular


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    Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel Rubicon - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

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